Your brain absolutely relies on the nutrition you feed it, and important nutrients missing from your diet can threaten your cognitive performance, mental and emotional health, and even your life. Without certain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, your brain is starving.Essential Nutrients for Optimal Brain HealthThe delicate dance of brain signaling

Your Brain is Starving: Here’s Why it Needs More of These 13 Nutrients

Getting up early after tossing and turning all night is about as fun as a double root canal. No one signs up for a sleepless night willingly, yet millions of people suffer from poor sleep or a lack of sleep.Shockingly, the entire world is sleepless, not just in Seattle. Japan

Use These 6 Hacks to Get Better Sleep Tonight

You’ve already heard that meditation can help you to lower your stress, or even achieve enlightenment but do you know why some of the most successful people in the world use this tool to achieve their goals? It works, and it works fast.Meditation isn’t magic. It is a very specific

Meditation Can Help You Manifest A Successful Life in Less than 3 Months

If you want a high-value, low-risk way of treating your depression and anxiety, you need to know first, that Americans are the most heavily drugged population in the world when it comes to mental health medications.12.7 percent of all Americans, aged 12 and older are on antidepressant medications. And no,

It’s Not In Your Head: Mental Illness is a Whole-Body Phenomenon

We all have an innate ability to heal ourselves, but one of the biggest things that get in the way of that natural process is toxic overload.It doesn’t matter how much nutritious food you eat or how much you workout. In the post-industrial world, no one is safe from an

How to Detox Quickly and Safely from Toxic Overload

If you look at any typical food pyramid, it’s all wrong. In fact, though the scientific establishment has spent several decades demonizing dietary fat, we’ve all been misled. The truth is that refined sugar and processed carbohydrates have made us fat – not fat.The Big Fat LieThe press didn’t help.

Is it Carbs and Sugar or Fat Making You Fat?

Gratitude is amazing. It helps us understand why difficult things have happened in the past, to help shape us and allow us to grow stronger. Gratitude also creates peace when we practice it in the present moment, by bringing us into the now. It even gives us a reason to

Gratitude Isn’t Just Good for Your Mind, It Also Changes Your Body: Here’s How

The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is more than just gloomy. It is killing you slowly, but surely. Here are six reasons to ditch your S.A.D. diet and what to eat and drink instead.1) Diet Sodas Are Confusing Your HormonesThat zero-calorie beverage may seem appealing at first glance, but artificial sweeteners

6 Ways To Ditch a S.A.D. Diet Before it Kills You

We all have bad habits, but most of us go about trying to change them totally wrong. By taking a closer look at how your brain works, you can ditch your bad habits faster and replace them with better ones. In fact, that’s one of the secrets to habit formation:

3 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Your Bad Habits Go Running for the Hills