The Constitution Isn’t ‘Outdated’—But the Left’s Rejection of It Explains Their Trump Panic


Liberals Fear Trump Because They Don’t Believe the Constitution Restrains Government Power

The fear of Donald Trump isn’t truly about the man or his policies—it’s about the Constitution. Liberals don’t trust Trump because they don’t believe the Constitution can limit government power. To them, the Constitution is an outdated document, shaped by its time, with little relevance to modern governance. This mindset leads to their greatest misconception: if government isn’t bound by constitutional limits, those in power have free rein to impose their will.

Over the past four years, the liberal left has made this clear. They’ve used government power to control, censor, mandate, and coerce while blaming their political opponents for the very abuses they commit. They’ve abandoned the Constitution’s foundational principle: it does not grant rights. Instead, it limits government to specific, enumerated powers and reserves all other authority to the states and the people. Without this understanding, liberty erodes, and both sides of the political spectrum bear responsibility for this crisis.

The Constitution: A Shield Against Tyranny, Not a Source of Rights

The Constitution is often misunderstood as a document that “grants” rights. This is entirely wrong. Our rights—free speech, assembly, property, self-defense—exist inherently. The Constitution’s purpose is not to give us these rights but to limit government’s ability to infringe upon them. The framers designed it to restrain government, not empower it.

The clearest example is the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. The Ninth ensures that rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution are still retained by the people, while the Tenth limits federal authority by reserving unenumerated powers to the states or individuals. This design reflects the framers’ distrust of centralized power.

Government overreach during the pandemic is a stark example of how this principle was violated. Mandates, lockdowns, and executive orders ignored constitutional boundaries. Federal agencies bypassed Congress, imposing regulations that affected millions. Emergency powers were invoked to justify sweeping authority, even though the Constitution does not provide for the suspension of its protections in times of crisis.

When government assumes powers not explicitly granted, it betrays the Constitution’s intent. By misunderstanding or ignoring this principle, the left perpetuates a dangerous expansion of authority.

COVID-19: A Blueprint for Ignoring Constitutional Limits

The pandemic revealed how quickly constitutional boundaries can be discarded under the banner of “emergency powers.” The left used COVID-19 to justify unprecedented government control over every aspect of daily life, sidelining the Constitution’s limitations.

The government ordered lockdowns, forcing businesses to close without legislative processes or proper legal justification. Small businesses were decimated while large corporations thrived, not through market competition but through government edicts. Federal and state officials enforced arbitrary restrictions on public gatherings, shuttering places of worship while allowing certain protests to proceed unimpeded.

The eviction moratorium bypassed property rights entirely. Landlords were forced to house tenants without payment, violating the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause, which requires just compensation when property is commandeered for public use.

The CDC overstepped its authority, issuing sweeping rules on housing and transportation that had no basis in the Constitution. Federal vaccine mandates further eroded individual autonomy, forcing millions to choose between their livelihood and personal health decisions. These mandates not only ignored bodily autonomy but also violated the principle that the federal government cannot dictate personal medical choices.

These actions weren’t isolated; they were systemic abuses that ignored the Constitution’s framework of limited government. Once the precedent of emergency overreach is set, it becomes increasingly difficult to roll back.

Projection: Blaming Conservatives for Their Own Abuses

The left has mastered the art of projection, accusing conservatives of constitutional violations that mirror their own. This tactic distracts from their abuses while fostering a false narrative of moral superiority.

They accuse conservatives of using government to control people’s lives, yet it is the left that has championed sweeping federal regulations, from environmental policies that dictate individual behavior to mandates on education and healthcare. They claim conservatives undermine democracy while actively working to suppress dissent through censorship, often in collaboration with tech giants.

Censorship isn’t limited to private companies. The government has pressured platforms to remove “misinformation,” effectively deputizing private entities to enforce state-approved narratives. This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment’s protection against government suppression of speech.

Economic policies further reveal the left’s projection. While decrying “corporate greed,” they subsidize favored industries and impose regulations that stifle competition. This consolidation of power benefits politically connected elites, not ordinary Americans.

The left accuses conservatives of cronyism while engaging in the same behavior, exemplified by the allocation of COVID relief funds. Small businesses were often left out while corporations with political connections received massive payouts. The irony is that these actions represent the very abuses of power they claim to oppose.

The Left’s Shift to Extremism: Dragging the Spectrum

In recent years, the left has shifted so radically that positions once considered centrist are now labeled conservative. This movement hasn’t just redefined the left—it’s distorted the entire political spectrum, leaving moderates behind.

This is evident in their approach to economic policy. The left now embraces ideas like universal basic income, massive wealth redistribution, and unchecked government spending, which were fringe concepts just a decade ago. Regulatory overreach has expanded, with federal agencies dictating everything from energy use to farming practices. These policies punish working-class Americans, increasing dependency on government programs while stifling innovation.

On education, they’ve nationalized curricula, pushing centralized control over local schools and disregarding parental input. Federal funds are used as leverage to enforce ideological compliance, undermining local autonomy.

Infrastructure policy has been weaponized to advance social agendas rather than focus on critical needs. Projects are delayed or defunded unless they align with specific ideological priorities, sidelining practical concerns like safety and efficiency.

This shift isn’t just ideological; it’s a consolidation of power. The left’s extremism seeks to centralize control, stripping individuals and states of their rights in favor of federal mandates.

Why the Left Fears Trump: A Misunderstanding of Power

The left’s fear of Trump reveals their broader misunderstanding of government power. They assume Trump will wield power the way they do—unrestrained by constitutional limits. This fear is rooted in projection.

The left’s approach to governance is inherently expansive. They view power as a means to achieve their goals, unrestrained by the Constitution’s limitations. When they see Trump, they project their own methods onto him, assuming he would disregard constitutional boundaries as they have.

Trump’s populist rhetoric alarms them because they equate it with authoritarianism, ignoring that true authoritarianism arises when constitutional checks are disregarded. They fear his judicial appointments, not because the judges are radicals, but because they adhere to the Constitution’s original intent—a restraint on government power they despise.

This fear is exacerbated by their own actions. The left has established precedents of government overreach that they worry Trump might use against them. Their paranoia reflects their lack of faith in the Constitution as a safeguard against tyranny.

Conservatives Are Not Blameless

While the left has driven much of the recent constitutional erosion, conservatives are not without fault. They’ve contributed to the expansion of government power in ways that undermine liberty.

Federal spending has ballooned under conservative leadership, often justified by defense or security concerns. This spending fuels bureaucratic growth, increasing government intrusion into daily life. Policies like civil asset forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize property without due process, violate basic constitutional protections.

National security programs like warrantless surveillance, established under Republican administrations, have trampled Fourth Amendment rights. These measures, intended to combat terrorism, have been turned inward, monitoring American citizens without cause.

Immigration policies have often overstepped constitutional bounds, with executive orders replacing legislative action. The use of federal power to enforce moral standards, such as bans on certain substances, mirrors the left’s tendency to legislate behavior.

Conservatives must recognize that their willingness to expand government power contributes to the erosion of the constitutional framework.

Restoring the Constitution: A Path to Liberty

The solution to these abuses lies in restoring the Constitution’s original intent. This begins with recognizing that government power must be limited to its enumerated functions. Federal agencies must be reined in, and Congress must reclaim its legislative authority from the executive branch.

Economic policies should prioritize individual freedom and market competition, reducing reliance on government subsidies and regulations. Education and infrastructure must return to local control, respecting the rights of communities to govern themselves.

Most importantly, Americans must understand that the Constitution is not a relic but a vital safeguard against tyranny. It protects rights that preexist government, ensuring liberty for all.

Conclusion: A Call to Defend the Constitution

The Constitution is not a flawed document to be reimagined; it is a timeless shield against government overreach. The left’s rejection of its principles, combined with conservative complicity in its erosion, threatens the foundation of American liberty. Restoring the Constitution’s intent is not just a political necessity—it is the only path to preserving freedom for future generations. Without it, fear of figures like Trump will be the least of our problems.


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Vladislav Davidzon

I am the mentor for leaders who demand excellence.  My mission is to transform high performers into unshakable leaders who thrive in the face of adversity and deliver results that others only dream of achieving.

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